
Effort Shift – the Impact – By Bill Bowtell

Queensland fishers, both recreational and commercial, have just experienced the first of the management changes for the east coast Spanish mackerel. These initial changes were a northern spawning closure...
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Spanish Mackerel – An Icon Under Threat – Part 3 – By Bill Bowtell

The East Coast Spanish Mackerel (ECSM) review, currently being conducted by the Fisheries Queensland under its working documents: “Queensland Sustainable Fisheries Strategy 2017-2027”; and, “Queensland Harvest Strategy Policy”, held...
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A Metre Barramundi and Others – Full Moon Potpourri – By Bill Bowtell

The phone rang. It was Adrian Frick. In his cheery way, he described that he was now officially retired, having just sold his dental business, and that he wanted...
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Spanish Mackerel – An Icon Under Threat- Part 1: By Bill Bowtell

The run-out tide pushed wide of Sunken Reef forming a clear, and very distinctive, current line in the process. A flock of Little Terns wheeled and dived in the...
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Blue Tiger Spanish – By Bill Bowtell

It was dark, very dark. A light fog, the first for the season, drifted in from the southwesterly quarter and settled across the extent of the harbour.  The only...
Read More about Blue Tiger Spanish – By Bill Bowtell