A Grey Spanish Day in April – By Bill Bowtell
I like the waxing moon for offshore fishing; especially the second and third tides after the neaps of the quarter moon phase. Here in my patch of country on...
Effort Shift – the Impact – By Bill Bowtell
Queensland fishers, both recreational and commercial, have just experienced the first of the management changes for the east coast Spanish mackerel. These initial changes were a northern spawning closure...
Spanish Mackerel – An Icon Under Threat – Part 3 – By Bill Bowtell
The East Coast Spanish Mackerel (ECSM) review, currently being conducted by the Fisheries Queensland under its working documents: “Queensland Sustainable Fisheries Strategy 2017-2027”; and, “Queensland Harvest Strategy Policy”, held...
Spanish Mackerel – An Icon Under Threat- Part 1: By Bill Bowtell
The run-out tide pushed wide of Sunken Reef forming a clear, and very distinctive, current line in the process. A flock of Little Terns wheeled and dived in the...
Blue Tiger Spanish – By Bill Bowtell
It was dark, very dark. A light fog, the first for the season, drifted in from the southwesterly quarter and settled across the extent of the harbour. The only...