
Deep Drop Fishing – The highs and lows – By Gyula Vari

Like most fishing trips, Deep Dropping takes a fair bit of planning in order to ensure a successful trip, and when all the stars align, all that remains is...
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SEQ Mixed Reef Targets – By William Kitching

When hitting the water in South East Queensland, one of the most exciting forms of fishing has to be heading out to target some of the awesome reef species...
Read More about SEQ Mixed Reef Targets – By William Kitching

A Metre Barramundi and Others – Full Moon Potpourri – By Bill Bowtell

The phone rang. It was Adrian Frick. In his cheery way, he described that he was now officially retired, having just sold his dental business, and that he wanted...
Read More about A Metre Barramundi and Others – Full Moon Potpourri – By Bill Bowtell