Sandy Straits Marine Tri Hull 4.5m Whaler. By Luke Fitzpatrick
Anyone who follows my Fish That Snag fishing and boating adventures on Facebook or through YouTube will know that I absolutely love fishing the flats along the western side...
Moon, Tides and Floods – The Fitzroy. By Bill Bowtell
There is no doubt that fishing is a bond. That inexplicable link between people of a like mind and thought process, which forms life-long friendships, fosters tolerance and broadens...
Big Barra Run Off Fishing. By Craig Latimore
The Northern Territory runoff is truly a wonderful beast and usually stretches from February to sometime in May. During the preceding months, there is a mix of massive storms,...
Big lure Big Barramundi
With the closed season coming to an end, there is no better time for anglers to get out on the water and chase that trophy barramundi. With an excellent...
Corroboree Capers – By Dave Donald
When you’ve spent a lifetime chasing fish as I have, somewhere along the way the realization dawns that there’s much more to fishing than just catching fish. That fact...
Perfection Refined
Some people in this world continually strive for perfection. You know the ones? The type that will persist with something, (whether it is art, engineering, fishing, etc.) long after...
Offshore Marine Master 620 – One Tough Boat. By Ben Keen
Believe it or not, reviewing boats can be a tough gig. Most of the time, boats being reviewed are either the flagship model of a particular brand or have...
Hooked on Mackay – By Brendan Pollard
The 1st of February isn’t far away, and the countdown is on for the biggest day of the year, and we aren’t talking about Christmas. For Queenslanders, this day...
Trolling Deep and Fast – By Dave Magner
These days there are so many lures on the market that it’s a relatively simple task to find one which will perfectly suit the way you want to fish....
Fishing the Fitzroy – By Nick Thompson
If you are in Rocky and you love fishing, or even are just a young keen fisherperson like myself, the Fitzroy is the place for it. The Fitzroy is...
Fusion 19 – Green With Envy. By Anthony Gomes
I’ve always maintained that, just like a car, a motorcycle, or even a house, every boat is a compromise. Even with your ‘ideal’ boat (which I thought I had),...
Summertime Savages. By James Falkenberg
With summer in full swing and the weather gods holding the magnifying glass and focusing the sun firmly on North Queensland, now is the time to enjoy a nice...
Baramundi Fishing at Hinchinbrook – By Jason Masters
Hinchinbrook here we come, yet another year has ticked by, and it is the start of another barra season, and this can only mean one thing for us. Hinchinbrook....
Whitsunday Bareboating. By Josh Behrendorff
While I was a young uni student, I watched as my parents fitted out a camper trailer and their 4WD in preparation for a touring road trip around Australia....
King of the Shallows – By Nick Thompson
Flathead are the king of the shallows. They stalk their prey, camouflaging themselves by changing their colour to match the sandy or muddy bottom they are feeding on. Flathead...
Seajay Nomad – By Dan Kaggelis
There’s something about the simplicity of small boats which makes them so enjoyable. Whilst they may not have the creature comforts of larger boats, the fact that we are...
The Tinaroo Twitch – at Coroners Corner – By Lee Brake
The Tinaroo Twitch is not a retrieval method. It’s much more sinister than that. It’s a disease, an environmental ailment that flares up when the infected parties are in...
Sensational Saury – By Dan Kaggelis
Tying on a big hardbody lure and sending it back in the spread always brings a sense of excitement. Like all types of fishing, trolling lures for pelagic fish...
Getting the Tide Right – by Dave Hodge
So many fishing related pursuits are carried out based on the time and size of the tides and the accessibility they allow to various locations. But there is more...
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (12 Days of Christmas Giveaway)
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (12 Days of Christmas Giveaway) Fish & Boat Magazine Pty Ltd (ABN 50 600 713 362), is the promoter of this competition and hereafter in...