
40 acre 23 08’985s 150 53’314e
This Reef system near Mial Island sweetlip, coral trout, mackerel, cobia


Ross Reef 23 06’315s 150 53’121e
This Reef system near Sloping Island sweetlip, coral trout, mackerel, cobia


Pinnacles 22 50’422s 150 56’600e
This Massive bommies that hold some great fish grunter, black jew, fingermark, coral trout, mackerel, trevally, cobia


Flat Island 22 44’137s 151 00’110e
This Reef and a ledge that holds some great reef fish coral trout, nannygai, sweetlip, mackerel, cobia, trevally


Perforated Island 22 39’336s 150 56’876e
This A bommie that produces great reef and pelagic action, coral trout, nannygai, snapper, mackerel, sweetlip.


Liza Jane Shoal 23 18’341s 151 04’877e
This A shoal that has great potential. Search around for where the bait is holding mackerel, coral trout, sweetlip.


Greasy Ally 23 02’869s 150 59’327e
This Normally jig bait here like yakka but it does hold some good fish at times. nannygai, mackerel, cobia, have landed a marlin when the bait is thick.


Finlays Reef 23 00’200s 150 49’800e
This Finlays Reef.